Good morning,
One step forward, one step backwards so I will call this cha-cha for the sake of staying positive. It looks like you are pursuing a vendetta against us specially by saying "you will never be silenced", I cannot even imagine what is in your mind anymore. Scuba diving is supposed to be fun, supposed to meet good celebrated people, is supposed to give us something else than what you are doing right now but ok...
TripAdvisor decided on deleting your previous review because it violated all review guidelines falsely describing our services, the same like this one ... remember, you were saying we are using disposable plastic boxes ? don't forget to write this again next time :-)
And now, back to reality, one by one here we go, again:
1. Timing
You mentioned in your previous review about the same situation where unfortunately a young lady happened to have her personal monthly matter at the wrong moment so you had a 15 minutes delay after the briefing was finished.
Previously you were saying in your review, during our phone call and also in our WhatsApp conversation ( I have the history of our conversation, don't forget that ... I am just sad I cannot attach pictures to my reply here ) "why should I wait for a girl to fight with her tampon for 1 hour?" - Now, you are saying that the dive guide said those words. Can you make up your mind ? even I start to get confused and I was next to you the entire time haha
To close this point, remember my answer to your previous review - you should wait purely for being a gentleman! That young lady was attending her private matter. She apologised to you directly, remember ? How and what could anyone do to help a lady when such a personal matter happens ? she was just a teenager!
2. Hygiene
We run our boats the same way we run everything with full hygiene and full safety otherwise someone should have noticed this before no ? Yes, perhaps more than half of this planet's population is smoking and yes, if they do smoke on the boat of course you cannot throw the cigarette buds in the ocean, they go into the trash bin!
But it's good you learned from my reply to your last review that got deleted, we allow guests to only smoke in certain spots on the boat ... you didn't say this before but you are learning, that's very good.
3. Safety
Here's where it gets interesting because in your last review you only said "I want dive safety" and I wrote in my comment you should be more specific because you can't just throw rocks without saying why. Good, you are learning again :-)
Moving forward,
A. You never mentioned about throwing 50 bars out of the tank while analysing the tank, that's definitely something new to your story but as you have "so much experience", you should know that's impossible and it's a ridiculous dramatisation. Also from your extensive experience, do you remember that as a certified diver likewise as NITROX certified, you are obligated to analyse your own tank ? Wayan ( the dive guide ), he analysed your tank because you didn't know how to use the analyser but it's ok, let's blame it on the dive guide.
B. In your previous review you were saying you dove with 5 Chinese divers and now it's 6. I can't post pictures to this comment to show you the schedule but you were 5 guests in total including yourself with 2 Divemasters ( Gracia and Wayan ) and 1 Divemaster in training attached. Everybody separated according to experience and interests as we run very small groups of maximum 3 certified divers for 1 dive guide.
Exactly as I wrote in my reply to your previous review, you cannot make the difference between guests and Divemasters but ok, I hope in your next review you don't forget to count the captain as well, 7+2 please :-)
C. Please help to explain what you mean by "very rude she seamed were just bringing the shapes to the grass fields"
This comment really confused me completely and you didn't say anything about this before.
D. "10-12 minutes around 60 bar"
We have proof from the dive computers as you've done 39 minutes dive. What can I say more ? By the way, remember you informed me personally in front of the other guests attending the briefing, you use a lot of air.
E. Equipment leaking
I take this type of feedback very seriously so I inspected the BCD, the regulator set and the tanks personally as soon as the equipment returned to the dive center. I have video proof of this check likewise for service logs as the entire equipment is in perfect condition with no leaks.
And now the most interesting of all,
F. "To sell more they gave me nitro"
Before confirming the booking, when talking about your experience on WhatsApp, we have proof of you informing that you are enriched air certified and Yoga ( your Reservation Attendant ) explaining to you that we can use nitrox if you would like, the extra cost for using nitrox and you agreeing in writing, ordering the nitrox tanks. Even making sure we bring the nitrox, confirming twice!
Can you tell everyone reading this, how is that selling ? you asked for it. Nobody is forcing you to do anything that you don't want, only yourself can do that.
And regarding your "simple point of view" with your buddy using normal air, perhaps we should open the Enriched Air book again before misinforming again, we need to learn again also who is supposed to analyse the tank. This is recreational diving, not technical diving.
G. Regarding the refund, as I wrote in my reply to your previous review, I decided not to call you and this way to politely refuse you as a guest. I told you in our phone conversation, I will refund you anyway and I have refunded you with all good intentions, not to silence you. It's called courtesy.
Even in Starbucks when your coffee is not up to the standards they offer to make a new one for you for free. Next time blame the barista also.
H. "i know that his staff saw me in padang bay after one day diving with another company" -
No, I didn't know you were there and nobody has told me about you being in Padang Bai. Why should I or anyone else for that matter care where you are and where you go ? haha - by the way, you think the entire staff of Neptune Scuba Diving knew who you are at that moment ? No, but they know now for sure.
- "his staff was not liking me and thats why he didn't call me" - You got this information from my reply to your previous review and now you twist the words. My reply was public and I have never wrote "the staff doesn't like you", that's another lie.
I wrote in my reply that all guests have complained about you, your extremely disrespectful attitude starting from the dive center, continuing on the boat and your dangerous diving style. Like I wrote before, even the guests on our second boat you asked to be transferred on to be able to return sooner to the dive center complained about your disrespectful attitude, refusing any assistance and saying to the crew who were trying to make pure innocent conversation with you, "you don't talk to me!". What have those people done to you ?
In the end, remember what you wrote to me on WhatsApp after you posted your first review a few days ago ? You said and I quote "Is you had call me the sunday as we ve discuss i was probably not reviewing you like this"
P.S: My name is not Gilliam nor Gillian, it's Julian.
P.S 2: This again new but another lie, there were no donuts as I promised because you booked a private car to wait for you in the port and never came back to the dive center.
You are amazing, please never change!
With respect and appreciation,