Dear Michael,
Our deepest apologies for your bad experience, this was a horrible day for you as much as for us.
You booked two tour services with us: a city tour in Santiago, which went perfectly, and finally the coastal tour that was for your last day in Chile.
It is important to underline that this was a tour of Concon, Viña del Mar, and Valparaiso, where in the final destination: Valparaiso you had problems due to the redbull event (downhill mtb) why the city had streets that were cut.
1) We had information about this event, as it is done every year, and we have done this tour on the event day previously without problems. We did not think this would affect your experience, as we did not know that you would not want to walk.
Previous years we have had content customers touring around Valparaiso and watching the competition, which is broadcasted on TV and Internet to the whole world.
2) You were travelling with luggage, it is true that it is not a good idea to leave the car alone with suitcases in a city even so when it has an event like this happening. You commented from the beginning of the tour that you were tired since the previous day another guide from another company had made you walk a lot why you did not want to walk.
(When you come accross with events it is necessary to get off the car and explore walking, in fact Valparaiso is a city of hills where 70% -80% of the tour is done walking and using funiculars, which is mentioned in the tour description. You were not willing to do so.)
Therefore, if you consider you missed a sight because streets were closed, this is not correct, since without walking you would not have been able to enjoy them.
3) We apologize your guide decided to move the tour 1 hour earlier (no guide has the assignment to call passengers, only us the owners who we had already coordinated your activity)
The guide took the authorization of moving your tour that caused inconvenience to you, in addition to being late (20min). After receiving the information about this, we commented the guide why she did it as she does not have the authorization, even less without notifying.
4) This tour has a duration of approx 9 hours, you started at 8.50 am and finished at 4.50 in the airport (8 hours).
Precisely, the event happened in the final city where you missed the touring of Valparaiso, however the rest of the tour was done correctly, we had the GPS information of the vehicle that day.
5) We already issued you a refund of 150 USD corresponding 50% of tour price. We don't know how you consider total refund for a 8 hour full day tour where you traveled 200 km to the coast and visited the cities of Concon and Viña del Mar, had lunch in a restaurant and finally at about 14:30 came across with the event, due to why you missed the walking tour part (neither were you willing to walk)
6) The guide has been dismissed and will not work with us again for not knowing how to handle the situation.
At the last stop of the tour when the problem was caused by the event, we owners called you to apologize and offer a compensation of the tour price, besides giving an option to take you to a vineyard in Casablanca Valley that is on the way back to Santiago, or another attraction in return but you in a discourteous and enraged way answered and were not willing to listen nor talk.
We did everything possible and apologize for your day, when people start off on the wrong foot it is difficult to reverse it.
We are sorry that everything ended this way since it is not our spirit, it was a terrible day for both parts.
Sincerely, Patricio & Jenni
Huaso Tours