About three years ago me and my friend went to Beijing on vacation.
After three days those three years ago we met this casual guy just walking in the street outside our hotel.
He went up to us and introduced himself to us as The Young Master Calligrapher.
Richard showed us his gallery/workshop, his skills in calligrapyh and tried to teach us this amazing way to paint pictures with calligraphy/words/letters, and he quickly became our friend.
He is also a great guide to show you which attractions that are really worthwhile to take a look at while you are in Beijing like: from the Great Wall, shows, temples, parks, to just simple strolls/walks/bicycling in the local streets/cities and fishing.
And if you want to go to other cities in China than Beijing he can also arrange that too.
He has an unbelivable overview where to eat local tasty beijing food, and bars with reasonable prices.
He also does some photography.
I highly recommend Richard as a guide because he is a friendly and patient guy and he can also help you out if your chinese isn't the best, and so you won't get scammed in certain places.
He can speak english pretty well so he is easy to understand.
Check out his youtube video to learn more about the art of calligraphy or just simply email him.
Me and my friend went back to Beijing a couple weeks ago after three years just for thoose reasons above, and had a great time.
Look Richard lee up if you are in Beijing to get a time you won't forget, its really worth it.