So i have done several trips and tours in Beijing. I think the most outstanding tour i did was with Catherine Lu, hence it does not surprise me that they are ranked first. So using that as a benchmark, my review is based on our experience with Leo and Joe.
Leo was great to deal with, i was very specific what we wanted to do, which restaurants we wanted to go to and the plan for the day. Everything was sorted and finalised and this weekend we commenced the tour plan.
On the first day, the guide, joe changed our plan slightly, suggesting to go to Ming Tours first and then the great wall, as less crowded, i still feel we were better going to the great wall to avoid the midday rush, however we went ahead with the guides recommendation.
During my correspondence with Leo, he confirmed that all our restaurants would be booked, this is where the issue happened. I wanted to go to a certain restaurant (The School House) after the great wall, however this was closed, due to renovations, so disappointed that Leo/ Joe did not call beforehand, so i could have selected another option. Instead we were trying to find a restaurant for lunch at the great wall during our tour.
Then the place i wanted to go for dinner, was fully booked, that was the country kitchen, see its ranking under restaurants. So both options failed. For dinner we went to dadong and had peking duck which was fine, but not what i wanted to do. Mong tour was a little disappointing, we didnt see the places as you have the pics in trip advisor, so perhaps we missed some key views and places.
For lunch, Joe then took us to some restaurant he said is very good. In the morning prior to the tour, i made it clear i cant have pork, then at the restaurant i verified with him about the fried rice and he said it was vegetarian. The rice had chinese sausage. I thought i was clear i cant have pork or anything associated with pigs meat, although that didnt work.
To my surprise, not an issue, but i thought i would have a quiet lunch with my boss, instead Joe also sat in and enjoyed lunch with us, which was at of our own expense, not a major issue, but you would think one would ask if it was ok, and of course it is.
So day 1 i felt a little disappointed in, the plan the restaurants, lunch, was not really what i wanted and how i expected our day to go.
The second day we did forbidden palace, that was very rushed, not alot of details shared, so it came in bits and pieces. Then after that we had lunch where i wanted, which was superb- Huajia Yiyuan. On the plan we had temple of heaven, jingshan park and meridian gate, which we didnt see.
We did add pearls market for an hour. My boss left a sandalwood fan with Joe, who he returned today. So that was forgotten. We had booked a 1 hour trishaw ride around hutong, however instead had a 15min ride and 30min walk. So what we agreed and what happened was very different.
I try and be specific and diligent on my plans, however i feel this tour company failed to meet those requirements. If i am hosting again in beijing, I will stick with Catherine and probably not use this company again.
Once again, i like a guide building rapport and sharing interest, however sometimes they step over the mark, by asking personal questions, so this time, i felt it was not the best tour we did in Beijing, and a real shame as it was my Boss's first visit to Beijing. Saying that, last time i did it with Catherine, they executed exactly on the plan, so they set the expectations high and deliver accordingly.