I've been on some luckily awful field trips. This one took the honorary ETERNAL first place.
Shopping day, 4:00 p.m. was one day, and as early as 9:00 p.m., it was proposed to be moved an hour earlier, ostensibly due to the sudden discovery of daylight saving circumstances, naturally for our safety, which was announced in the correspondence. Rejecting the request to reschedule, they returned to the original time indicated in the voucher. And the sudden early blackout and our security merged into the toilet.
Promises to forward photos of the meeting place - remained promises. They refused to pick us up. Dropped by the Israelites at the hotel. The so-called ,tour guide said a few minutes about the program in Russian and English, after which he sat down with the driver and chatted with him all the way, interrupting for short messages along the route. Information zero. Then we went to Canolug village. They ate for 12 manats in the house of a local resident, bought knitted socks , fed vodiyael, etc. guide. On a terrible slope in the mud and fearing a fall (due to rain) they went down to the car, walking type through the village. And we went to Baku. Stopped again in Lip on buying junk at three-way prices. It's Lip. Bottom line: 12 hours Trips, we ate dried chicken drumsticks near the Russian border with Dagestan, bought apple and pink syrup. Wet and filmed a couple of mediocre locations in the mountains.
I think it's just a scam...
I strongly do not recommend this so-called Agency. They're speculating on the Diamond Hand brand. It's got a messy café with messy menus and staff and a messy Vacation Package. Obscurantism.