Only good things to say - certified tour guides, interesting stories, manageable group sizes, and the freedom to choose the size of our contribution based on how much we valued the experience . Due to the briefness of my company's stay in Budapest, we decided to go on two free walking tours in one day. We started off with the general Budapest tour in the morning, led by Judit. She gave an excellent tours, sharing interesting facts and stories about Budapest, some of which even I (having lived in the city for almost a year) hadn't heard. She also made conversation with us during the walking and was available to answer any and all questions. The second tour, of the Jewish quarter, was given by Petra (like the city in Jordan - as she introduced herself :)), who had a very powerful voice that boomed even over the constant traffic noises of downtown Budapest. She used a fair share of sarcasm, which was perhaps partially related to her personality, but in large part also to the very complicated nature of the stories she was telling. She also shared recommendations for eateries and bars/locales to visit, some of which we checked out and thoroughly enjoyed!