I thought this would be a fun way to round off my trip to Krakow, I'd seen so much of the fascist era that to even things out politically I went from seeing what the far right had done to what the far left did too. I decided to take a 'crazy' tour in a Trabant to Nowa Huta, a communist town commissioned by Lenin in the post war period to the east of Krakow.
There are a choice of tours, the one I opted for cost around £35 and included a long tour of the area, lunch, a visit to a communist standard issue apartment (with a vodka and pickled gherkin thrown in for good measure) and a go at driving the Trabant. The guide was very knowledgeable - but also a little dull, and after a couple of hours in his company I was quite glad to bid him farewell. The Trabant is slow, smelly, noisy and uncomfortable. I can see why they use them, but after the initial novelty wore off I started to dislike it intensely! The test drive did nothing to change my opinion.
Overall I would recommend the tour, the guide makes or breaks it as it’s quite a personal experience, so fingers crossed you get one of the original crazy crew and not Mr Boringpants.