Have been on numerous free walking tours prior to this, and sadly this was a disappointing experience. The website seems to put a lot of emphasis on booking and I received several reminder emails ahead of the day, so it struck me as a bit odd that there was no sort of register of who was expected to turn up.
A lot of the enjoyment of a free tour can depend on the guide, and I see a few positive reviews from others about Jake, but unfortunately I cannot echo this sentiment. When I approached the start point to check that this was the right place and the right tour, he barely answered, and similarly when the next few people showed up he stood looking at the ground twirling his umbrella. The tour itself was OK, though he seemed fairly awkward and disengaged from a lot of what he was saying. There were a few interesting anecdotes and the tour was good in helping find bearings around the city.
Credit for persevering amid a lot of noise disturbance as a lot of the tour spots were close to places where the Christmas market was being noisily dismantled. My main feedback would be to try to have a little more confidence. The whole experience felt quite awkward, which can be partly down to the people in the group as well, but even a warmer and more positive welcome could have made a big difference. The tour had good potential, but felt disappointing overall. Even at the end when we had the chance to ask questions, I was looking for some eating and drinking recommendations, and was met with vague and uncertain answers with no sense of personal touch.