We booked the Snowmobile Tour + Igloo stay directly through the burn out city website.
I would strongly recommend doing this, while you can. The archipelago area seems to be snowballing in its development, and it likely won't be long before this beautiful tour through a unique slice of nature is made impossible by condominiums and the like. Already, the fishing seems to be growing sparse, and the game more avoidant of the encroaching civilization.
The snowmobile tour was a great time. Out in the wide open on the frozen shore of the Baltic sea, we saw historical sites in-between learning about the various adaptations necessary to make a place livable with such a drastic seasonal difference.
I'm fairly certain that the igloo is the same as can be booked to stay further north, where it's possible to see the northern lights. Their website probably has the best explanation, but it's basically a climate-appropriate "tiny home", so if you're into that...
As the only guests in the only igloo (for now?), when the rest of the snowmobile group departed, we were left with the owner of the business (and guide for the snowmobile Tour), Kenneth.
While the other Burn Out City founders (Anders and Henrik) are friendly and accommodating enough to each deserve 5/5 stars in their own right, Kenneth Thelen absolutely breaks the scale. I have never met a more gracious host, and he will forever contend as one of the friendliest human beings that I have ever met. I count myself lucky to have had the opportunity to do so, and would encourage you to make what efforts you can to grant yourself such an opportunity.