Sunday, October 6 our first experience with Milanoguida, destination Monza, with its Duomo and treasures....
Our Guide was Valentina, Punctual, Precise, Professional Prepared. Illustration of the Duomo , the side back area, the bridge of the 4 lions and the Palazzo del Podestà, always keeping our attention on while being dropped in a crowded context... the crowds crawling on Saturday Monza.
When we entered the Museo del Duomo he illustrated with great skill and precision what was contained in the various cases, showcases, tapestries, paintings, introducing us more and more into the world of Theodolinda and approaching the highlight of the visit... the Iron Crown. We were also lucky, because in the Duomo there were 2 armigers in costume to guard the Chapel of Theodolinda
The visit to the Chapel of Theodolinda was carried out by a Guide assigned to the description of the paintings of the family Zavattari and then to the opening of the safe containing her... the Iron Crown. It was really an emotional escalation. To see in front of us such a unique piece, containing the history passed from real hand to real hand, on our land, is really exciting