I had the opportunity (no...'pleasure' would be more accurate) to observe one of Jane's classes this week as part of my work.
While my role was that of "fly on the wall" and I didn't participate directly (well...except when a burning question arose...which was always addressed), I *did* get to participate in a different manner; I was able to watch...and I'm almost convinced I got more out of it than those who got their hands dirty.
What I saw was 6 unique, varied, personable, enthusiastic and *engaged* people having an amazing time together (and yes; that tally includes their host, Jane).
They laughed, constructed traditional cuisine, laughed, learned, discovered, laughed some more, ate their creations, and drank another.
As an observer, my impressions went from interested to fascinated to amused to jealous...and all warranted.
I watched the meal prepared, listened to the origins and history (both generational and current) of the dishes being prepared, as well as Jane's insight into the "bigger picture" of everything from the ingredients used, to the respect afforded to those who prepare Oaxacan cuisine.
Speaking of Jane...I've interviewed hundreds of people, and spoken to literally tens of thousands over the last 1 1/2 decades...but I have to say; she is easily amongst the ten most fascinating/engaging people I've met. A firecracker of a human being....she is instantly likeable and makes it impossible not to be drawn in by her passion and enthusiasm. It's obvious she loves what she does.
Recommended 100%!