This was one of the absolute most heartbreaking things I have ever witnessed, we rented a car on the hopes of playing and swimming NATURALLY with wild pigs as anyone does, get there to find out that these poor pigs are CAGED AND KEPT on an island about a KM away from the actually sandy beautiful beach, and I might add that this beach is covered in rocks, so when these tourists show up the whole event is a mess they jump on a kayak race to the deserted little rock island and let the pig outs, and then to top it all off they toss these pigs, forcing them into the water, in water that the people we watched could barely swim in themselves, all the while knowing exactly what was going on and still enjoying it, I have never been more disappointed and lost hope in man kind, my friends and I after witnessing this went and demanded our money back and make quite the scene of how barbarick this all was, and stormed off the land. EDUCATE YOUR DAMN SELVES, it was purely all just animal abuse and neglect.